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City Farmer's urban cowboy

  • Make city farmer friends in your area. Every climate and growing season is different. Learning what specific herbs or vegetables work well in your area is essential to success.
  • Start small. Pick a couple of things that are easy and reliable as starters.
  • Use good soil. Healthy plants cannot grow without it. You may need to add compost, nitrogen, or phosphorus. Again, the veterans in your area can help you develop good soil.
  • Plants need sunlight. Generally vegetables can use as much sunlight as possible, but some leafy greens will do well in shaded areas too.
  • Plants need water. It's hard to overwater vegetables, but each plant tolerates variations in moisture differently. Generally, a little water often is your best bet.
  • Keep the weeds out. Weeds waste valuable space, moisture and nutrients. Weeding your garden also gives you the chance to study your crop and make adjustments.